Turn Tree Stumps Into Unique Colorful Flower Pots

With large perennial trees with decay, we need to cut them down so they don’t fall and keep them safe during the stormy season. Instead of cutting down or cutting down the whole tree, do not cut down all the trees, but leave the root. The big tree stump is used to “transform” into another green space, fresh, brilliant and full of creativity. Punch a hole at the base of the tree Visualize the stump as a large wooden pot for growing flowers. We can use sharp tools, such as a hoe, even a drill to cut and chisel the stump, starting from the middle position to create an area for planting bonsai.









If you want to plant many different types of small ornamental plants in the same tree, you can cut many small concave circles from a large tree to grow many different types of bonsai. In the process of working, you should pay attention to labor safety issues, you can use gloves or safety glasses so that your hands are not scratched and your eyes are not dusted or sawdust from the wood flies in. Normally, planting holes should be dug at a depth of 10 to 20 cm.

Once the planting hole is dug from the stump, use the drill bit to drill small drainage holes in multiple stump locations. These drainage holes help the plant not to be flooded if it rains heavily or accidentally waters too much. Pour soil and plant trees Choose a good soil suitable for the type of plant you intend to plant.

Good soil is soil consisting of a mixture of worm soil, peat, and compost (one third each). This organic fertilizer has enough nutrients for plants, you do not need to fertilize and add nutrients outside every day, just water the plants with enough water. What you need to do is just add organic fertilizer at quarterly intervals, or seasonally (depending on the type of plant) so that the soil does not become barren.

You can mix 30% gravel or yellow sand with 70% organic soil to increase the drainage capacity of the plant, then pour the mixed soil with gravel into the potting soil that has just been chiseled from the base of the tree. Your last job is to plant the selected plants on the plot of land you have designed yourself.

