Watching Beyonce’s gorgeous twins and introduce her babies

Watching Beyonce’s gorgeous twins and introduce her babies

Beyonce has finally debuted her twins a month after they were born.

The singer posted a picture of herself holding the babies on Instagram late Thursday night and wrote in the caption, “Sir Carter and Rumi 1 month today.” She didn’t mention the babies’ genders, but Beyonce’s mother wrote on Instagram that the pop star had given birth to a boy and a girl.

Beyonce is wearing a flowing garment with a long veil in the photo and standing in front a flowered arch with the sea behind her.

It gained millions of likes in a matter of hours and already is among the most-liked Instagram photos of all time. Beyonce already holds that crown with her Instagram pregnancy announcement in February.

гᴜmoгѕ have swirled about the twins’ birth in recent weeks, but her representatives had declined comment. Sir Carter and Rumi join 5-year-old big sister Blue Ivy.

Celebrities congratulated Beyonce on ѕoсіаɩ medіа Friday, including Nicki Minaj, who posted happy emoji’s under Beyonce’s post.

Grammy-nominated R&B singer Tamar Braxton wrote to Beyonce that she is “happy and so honored that God would choose you sis for these type of blessings! Let him continue to guide you.”



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