35 super cute images Bearded Reedling (Baardman): A fluffy egg-shaped bird with a distinctive mustache

Do you want to smile? I know it can be pretty difficult given the current pandemic, but these little birds will definitely put you in a happy mood.

They’re known as Bearded Reedling, and they’re absolutely adorable!


Most bird species are pretty interesting – each species have unique and extravagant feathers, as well as elaborate mating routines. It’s impossible not to be in awe of nature when you look at all the different bird species.

But the Bearded Reddling birds are definitely the cutest little things to catch our attention. Not only are the palm-sized little birds that are quite fluffy, but they also can do the splits! Yes, that is correct, these little egg-shaped birds can do the splits.


The naturally small bird, who is around 16.5cm in size, has a natural habit of perching on tree branches and reeds by doing the splits.

It is completely adorable. Check out some of their pictures below: