Ancient City Unearthed in Africa: Revealing the Pre-Flood Structures of the Anunnaki

Structures of the Anunnaki Before the Flood: A 200,000-year-old Ancient City Discovered in Africa

ɱaпy writers claim that evidence of the Ancient Anunnaki’s presence may be discovered all across the world. We look at the 200,000-year-old ancient metropolis unearthed in Africa in this article.

Millions of people throughout the world believe that ancient gods (Anunnaki) descended from heaven hundreds of thousands of years ago. If this is the case, they must have left a trace of their presence behind.

Ilustração Anunnaki Metropolis

To date, the biggest collection of ancient ruins, including the world’s oldest working megalithic Sun Calendar (Adam’s Calendar), has been discovered in South Africa and Zimbabwe. In South Africa, an esᴛι̇ɱated 5 million round stone constructions have been discovered.

The first person to bring up the topic of Anunnaki was author Zecharia Sitchin. In 1976, Sitchin published “The Earth Chronicles,” a collection of volumes including his personal translations of Sumerian literature. According to him, the Annunaki are an alien species who came to Earth in search of riches from the fabled planet Nibiru beyond Neptune.

© Crédito da imagem: Ancient Histiry Encyclopedia

Wouldn’t there be proof of their legacy on Earth if Sitchin is correct? The ruins of an ancient metropolis unearthed in Africa, on the other hand, may represent the missing link to the Anunnaki.

Tellinger mentions the following ancient cities in South Africa: Michael Tellinger, a South African novelist and adventurer, and a small group of researchers discovered the ruins of a massive city some 150 kilometers west of Maputo’s harbor.

Ruínas da antiga cidade encontradas na África Austral

Initial investigations esᴛι̇ɱate that the ancient remains cover 1,500 square kilometers, with each wall standing just 3.5 meters tall. These buildings are linked by stone channels and are kept together by a vast mesh of agricultural terraces that cover entire hillsides and resemble an unending spider’s web.

The original constructions, interestingly, had no doors or entrances, indicating that they were not intended to be used as huɱaп or animal habitation.

Furthermore, the finding of unexplained equipment and artifacts in the area indicates that its inventor was well-versed in Cymatics (the study of wave phenomena) and employed sound as a tool.

ɱaпy people think that this ancient city was part of a bigger complex that covered an even larger area of 10,000 square kilometers.

Furthermore, the most fascinating aspect about it is its age, which is believed to be between 160,000 and 200,000 years old. The geology of the site is particularly intriguing; it is thought that they were the first gold miners because they were located near multiple gold mines.

“When Heine initially introduced me to the old stone ruins of southern Africa, he had no clue of the tremendous findings we would accomplish in the following years,” said Tellinger, author of “Temples of the African Gods: Decoding The Ancient Ruins of Southern Africa.”

The images, relics, and evidence we gathered indicate to a long-lost civilisation that predates all others — not by a hundred years, or a few thousand years, but by ɱaпy thousands of years.”

“An Ankh (Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic) was uncovered on one of the walls of the ancient Southern African metropolis,” he said in his book. Are you perplexed as to how remains of an ancient city might have a sign of an Egyptian god thousands of years before the Egyptian civilisation emerged?

He claimed that, along with ɱaпy ancient gold mines, all of this activity could be dated to far over 100,000 years using various scientific procedures. It also supports the belief that the Sumerian Anunnaki were on Earth, mining gold in the Abzu, also known as the Sumerian Lower World, which is located in Southern Africa.

He stated that the large and circular ruins in southern Africa were built to generate massive amounts of energy in order to discover and extract gold from mines (Cassidy). He continues to justify his position:

“Well, what originally drew my attention was the fact that the stones used to construct these round stone ruins, these old ruins, all rang like bells… This wasn’t an accident, I realized, for these stones were generating an entirely distinct sound, and they rang… They ring like bells, the most exquisite crystal or metallic structures (Cassidy),” says the author.

Around 6000 years ago, the first advanced civilisation arose in Mesopotamia’s ancient city of Sumer. Tellinger believes that the Sumerians got most of their knowledge from an undiscovered culture that formed thousands of years before them in southern Africa, based on finds in southern Africa. Sitchin detailed the chronology of Planet Earth in his book The Cosmic Code: The Sixth Book of The Earth Chronicles.