Explore the beautiful world of the Black-Naped Monarch – a super cute little bird with distinctive blue plumage

Explore the beautiful world of the Black-Naped Monarch – a super cute little bird with distinctive blue plumage

Beautiful azure-blue male exhibits a black nape patch and a thin black gorget.

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Female lacks the black nape patch and gorget markings, with gray-brown wings and bright blue only on the head.

A Slim, Agile Bird, Wearing A Distinctive Suit Of Bright Blue Topped Off With A Quirky Black Cap And A Stylish Black Moustache - Meet The Black-naped Monarch! - One Big Birdcage

Both male and female show black feathers on top of the bill and grayish-white underparts. Inhabits both dry and wet forested areas from sea level up into foothills.

A Slim, Agile Bird, Wearing A Distinctive Suit Of Bright Blue Topped Off With A Quirky Black Cap And A Stylish Black Moustache - Meet The Black-naped Monarch! - One Big Birdcage

Like flycatchers, hawks in mid-air to catch its prey. Often joins mixed flocks. Song is a bland, unremarkable “wi-wi-wi-wi-wi-wi-wi.” Calls include harsh nasal “wheh” and an explosive “whi-cheh!”

A Slim, Agile Bird, Wearing A Distinctive Suit Of Bright Blue Topped Off With A Quirky Black Cap And A Stylish Black Moustache - Meet The Black-naped Monarch! - One Big Birdcage