While alligators are known as apex predators, they occasionally become targets for other carnivorous creatures.

Danny Gilliam, the owner of a personal Facebook account, received 18 thousand likes and 99 thousand shares after posting images of a small alligator being captured by a large great blue heron (scientific name: Ardea herodias) at Lake Apopka, Florida, USA. The pictures were captured firsthand by the poster.

Great blue herons are commonly found near coastlines or in wetland areas throughout North and Central America. They are also the largest heron species in North America, standing at a height of 115–138 cm and weighing between 1.82–3.6 kg.
Upon capturing the young alligator, the great blue heron tightly gripped its head and skillfully maneuvered its prey into a favorable position using its beak. With a few adept adjustments, the heron swallowed the future ‘swamp king’ whole, completing its meal.
Let’s take a look at the impressive images of the great blue heron devouring the alligator:

Outcome: Alligator Swallowed Whole by Heron