Incredible Journey: Teen Unaware of Pregnancy Gives Birth While in Coma
A British teenager went to bed with a headache, fell into a coma, and woke up four days later, completely unaware that she had given birth to a surprise baby.

Eighteen-year-old Ebony Stevenson had no inkling of her pregnancy. On December 2, 2018, feeling sick, she went to bed, but her condition worsened, and she was rushed to the hospital. Doctors placed her in an induced coma, and she regained consciousness on December 6, only to discover that she had given birth to a baby girl.
“It felt like an out-of-body experience,” Stevenson shared. “I worried I wouldn’t bond with my daughter because I had no time to comprehend her arrival, but I think she’s amazing.”

As a college student studying sports physiotherapy, Stevenson had not developed a noticeable baby bump, experienced morning sickness, or missed her period. Unbeknownst to her, her unborn baby had been concealed in one of her two uteruses, a condition called uterus didelphys.

Uterus didelphys, affecting around one in 3,000 women, means having two uteruses. In Stevenson’s case, only one uterus had a fallopian tube for carrying an egg, while the other had none, making conception highly unlikely.
After experiencing seizures, Stevenson was swiftly transported to a hospital in Greater Manchester and placed in an induced coma. Medical professionals conducted tests, revealing that Stevenson had preeclampsia, which had triggered the seizures and her pregnancy. She underwent an emergency C-section, and at 1:32 a.m., just over three hours after the first contractions, she gave birth to a baby girl weighing 7 pounds, 10 ounces.

A few days later, Stevenson awoke to the realization that she had become a mother. After processing the news, she has been relishing the bonding experience with her daughter, whom she named Elodie.

“I didn’t think I even wanted kids, at least not for another 10 years, and never expected to be a young mum,” Stevenson admitted. “Waking up from a coma to be told I had been pregnant and had given birth to a baby girl was overwhelming, to say the least. It’s an absolute miracle. I wouldn’t change Elodie for the world.”