These 28 stunning photos will answer for you: Why you should consider a water birth
Benefits of Water Birth The benefits of water birth extend beyond pain relief and relaxation. They include reduced perineum trauma, shorter labor duration, lower blood pressure and pulse in the mother, decreased risk of infections (as Barbara Harper of Waterbirth International suggests, “the solution to pollution is dilution!”), and a reduced likelihood of cesarean section. Our experience at Labors of Love Midwifery and Birth Center has shown that both mothers and babies love water birth. When born into water, the baby is welcomed by a calm mother, hormonally primed for motherhood. We simply observe in silence, witnessing the start of the most significant relationship the baby will ever have, without interfering with God’s or Nature’s perfect bonding plan during birth.

#waterbirth #naturalbirth susarmisinkrds Why You Should Consider Water Birth Why You Should Consider Water Birth The Divergent Views on Water Birth

When the concept of water birth is introduced, people often have polar opposite reactions. Some may find it distasteful, associating it with swimming in a pool of bodily secretions, while others view it as a serene experience akin to being in a health spa. Some see it as completely natural (given that the baby has spent nine months in water without breathing) or entirely unnatural (after all, we’re not dolphins!). Some may regard it as a significant advancement in childbirth, considering the clinical and sterilized nature of traditional births, while others may perceive it as archaic, akin to boiling water.

However, I have discovered that during labor, a pool of water becomes a woman’s ideal remedy for fatigue, stress, anxiety, and pain. Once inside the water, most mothers never want to leave, regardless of their initial opinions. Concerns about the water’s contents fade away completely. They regain their rhythm and feel the progress of labor, benefiting from the effects of water immersion, such as decreased adrenaline, increased oxytocin, the comforting pressure of hydrostatic pressure on their bodies, and improved mobility. These factors make labor not only tolerable but sometimes even enjoyable.

Water Birth for Relaxation and Pain Relief
At our practice, we solely focus on normal, natural childbirth. Water immersion and water birth play a crucial role in our approach. Our clients benefit from a strong provider-patient partnership and the continuous presence of their midwife during active labor. Throughout their pregnancy, we ensure our mothers are well-prepared for labor through extensive prenatal visits, which include teaching and health coaching from our midwives. We also offer childbirth classes taught by Mary Kury, our childbirth educator. If our clients desire, we encourage them to consider doula services, and upon request, we can provide recommendations. We are patient during labor, never rushing to induce or augment it. We believe that labor should progress naturally through activities like walking, swaying, and sitting on birthing balls. However, nothing enhances the manageability and beauty of labor quite like water birth.

Water Birth Safety
Naturally, safety remains a concern for many individuals and groups such as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Academy of Pediatrics. In their committee opinion released in May 2014, they state that the evidence supporting the safety of water birth is insufficient, and thus they do not recommend this method for pain relief during labor. On the other hand, the American College of Nurse-Midwives holds a more positive stance on water birth.
Regardless of how “natural” the birth process is, the well-being of the mother and baby is of paramount importance. We all agree on this. At Labors of Love Midwifery and Birth Center, we have safely delivered hundreds of water babies without a single adverse effect related to underwater birth. From my own experiences,